Colección de Estudios, Nuevo Método de Guitarra, op.6, Biography and Bibliography
This volume brings together what is known of Aguado’s life, and gives full details about the publication of his music. It also includes the full text of José Romanillos’ article “Dionisio Aguado - the man”. Also included are the following two publications: The Colección de Estudios of 1820, which contains 46 studies and an explanatory text. Aguado’s earliest known work, it is the fruit of his intensive study of the guitar in Spain. It was previously thought lost and has only recently come to light. The Nuevo Método de Guitarra, opus 6, which is a much simpler method than the elaborate one which Aguado had previously published. It consists of 70 pages, with short musical passages and explanatory text. This is Volume 1 of the Complete Works of Dionisio Aguado.
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