Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)

English Suite no. 5 e minor BWV 810

Urtext Edition without fingering

J.S. Bach: Englische Suite Nr. 5 e-moll BWV 810, Klav/Cemb (0)J.S. Bach: Englische Suite Nr. 5 e-moll BWV 810, Klav/Cemb (1)J.S. Bach: Englische Suite Nr. 5 e-moll BWV 810, Klav/Cemb (2)J.S. Bach: Englische Suite Nr. 5 e-moll BWV 810, Klav/Cemb (3)
Piano [clavecémbalo]
Tipo de producto:
Partitura (Urtext)
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
27 Páginas; 23,5 × 31 cm
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
HN 1735


The “English Suites” number among the pinnacles of keyboard literature. They strike a magnificent tone that provides an impressive picture of the virtuosic and sumptuous harpsichord style that Bach had in mind here. In his revision of the “English Suites”, editor Ullrich Scheideler was able to draw upon an exceptionally good source situation, even though no autograph has survived.

Suite V in e minor BWV 810 is taken from the complete volume HN 1595. It is ideal for studying and teaching. As a special bonus, authentic variants are made available to the player directly in the musical text. The edition contains an extensive preface which discusses in detail the background of the work’s genesis and presents a clear overview of the source situation. An ideal introduction to the cosmos of Bach’s “English” suites!

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G. Henle Verlag e.K., Forstenrieder Allee 122, 81476 München, DE,

9,50  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 3–8 días laborables (España)
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J.S. Bach: Englische Suite Nr. 5 e-moll BWV 810, Klav/Cemb
Johann Sebastian Bach

English Suite no. 5 e minor BWV 810

Ekaterina Derzhavina (Fingering)

Para: Piano [clavecémbalo]

Partitura (Urtext)

№ de artículo: 1864206

9,50  €IVA incl., mas costes de envío
En stock. Plazo de envío: 3–8 días laborables (es)
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