Lil' Rev Teaches Clawhammer Ukulele

A Beginner's Guide for Soprano, Concert, or Banjo Ukulele

Lil' Rev Teaches Clawhammer Ukulele, Uk (0)Lil' Rev Teaches Clawhammer Ukulele, Uk (1)Lil' Rev Teaches Clawhammer Ukulele, Uk (2)Lil' Rev Teaches Clawhammer Ukulele, Uk (3)Lil' Rev Teaches Clawhammer Ukulele, Uk (4)Lil' Rev Teaches Clawhammer Ukulele, Uk (5)
Libro didáctico (con tablaturas), video online
№ de artículo:
muy fácil
56 Páginas; 22,9 × 30,4 cm
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Clawhammer style – a new way to play the ukulele!

The clawhammer style of string picking has always been a part of the banjo world, but did you know that this awesome technique also translates quite well to the little ukulele? Let ukulele master Lil' Rev show you how it's done with this transcendent book and video teaching pack! Featuring ample playing exercises, video tutorials, and great songs, this method takes you step by step through the process of learning how to pick the ukulele strings with the clawhammer technique – a percussive, groovy, down-home style that works well with all music genres – for accompaniment, solo, or single-note melody playing. Includes 60 video lessons from Lil' Rev!

24,99  €
Plazo de envío: 3–5 semanas
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