Christopher Norton (* 1953)

The Microstyles Collection

C. Norton: The Microstyles Collection, Klav (0)C. Norton: The Microstyles Collection, Klav (1)C. Norton: The Microstyles Collection, Klav (2)C. Norton: The Microstyles Collection, Klav (3)
Tipo de producto:
Partitura, playback online
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
60 Páginas; 22,9 × 30,5 cm
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
BH 13874


Die Microstyles Collection beinhaltet tolle Solostücke für Klavier für Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittenen. 48 neu komponierte, moderne Klavierstücke vermitteln die charakteristischen Eigenschaften vieler beliebter Musikrichtungen wie Latin, Reggea, Jazz, Pop, Rock. Mitreißende Demos des Komponisten zum Anhören oder Play-Alongs zum Mitspielen gibt es online.


  • Metal Merchant (Heavy Metal)
  • Five to Eleven (5/4 and 11/8)
  • Last Tango (Tango)
  • Slinky (Reggae)
  • Beguine (Beguine)
  • Moving Along (Walking Bass)
  • Rocking Turkey (Half Time Rock)
  • Martinet (Heavy Rock)
  • Orchid Garden (Jazz Waltz)
  • Clock Rock (Boogie/Rock ‘n’ Roll)
  • Cha Cha (Cha Cha Cha)
  • Heavy Work (Mancini Stomp)
  • Habanera (Habanera style)
  • Hebridean Song (Slow Waltz)
  • Plus Fives (5/4 Jazz)
  • Attention Seeker (Rock)
  • Chinese Walk (Oriental style)
  • Latin Nights (Bossa Nova)
  • Misty-Eyed (Country Ballad)
  • In the Sun (Bossa Nova)
  • Oriental Flower (Slow Waltz)
  • On the Run (Rhythm and Blues)
  • A Chromatic Outing (Chromatics)
  • A Whimsy (12/8 Ragtime)
  • A Spy Story (Funky Rock)
  • Without a Care (Swing)
  • Give it Time (Walking Bass/Blues)
  • Sunny Side Up (Swing)
  • Island Song (Jazz Waltz)
  • Exchange Rag (4/4 Ragtime)
  • A Charmer (Rumba)
  • Giveaway (Tango)
  • Feeling Lazy (Rock Ballad)
  • Hard Rock Blues (Rock ‘n’ Roll-style 8-beat)
  • Hideaway (Rumba)
  • On the Line (Half Time Rock)
  • Omnibus (Swing)
  • Skipping Rope (Gospel)
  • Rhapsody (Romantic piano style)
  • Short and Sweet (Boogie)
  • In the Bag (Glenn Miller style)
  • Cheeky (Rock ‘n’ Roll)
  • Misty Day (Waltz)
  • Down South (Rock Ballad)
  • Galloping (Rock ‘n’ Roll)
  • Foot Tapper (Disco)
  • Bubble Gum (Reggae)
  • Fax Blues (Ostinato)
18,00  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 3–8 días laborables (España)
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