Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists Box Set

Rebecca Groom te Velde, David Blackwell, David Bednall, and Alan Bullard

Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists Box Set, Org (9N) (0)
Tipo de producto:
9 partituras
№ de artículo:
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:


  • A boxed set of all nine volumes in the renowned Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists series
  • 341 imaginative hymn settings displaying a great variety of styles and approaches
  • Organized into separate volumes according to season and usage
  • Pieces suitable for busy church musicians at intermediate level working in all major denominations
  • Registration suggestions that can readily be adapted to suit most instruments with pedals
  • Companion website featuring a cumulative index of hymn tunes and contributor biographies

Edited by Rebecca Groom te Velde with co-editors David Blackwell, David Bednall, and Alan Bullard, this series comprises nine volumes of hymn settings by a range of composers, largely based in the US and the UK. Each volume contains fresh and original hymn settings relevant to all major denominations, alongside spirituals and worship or praise songs. There are pieces suitable for all parts of a service—preludes, processionals, interludes, and postludes—while some are also suitable for recital use. With their diverse array of accessible, quality settings, these volumes are a must for every church organist's library.


  • Volume 1: Advent and Christmas
  • Volume 2: Epiphany
  • Volume 3: Lent and Passiontide
  • Volume 4: Easter and Ascension
  • Volume 5: Pentecost and Trinity
  • Volume 6: Autumn Festivals
  • Volume 7: Holy Communion
  • Volume 8: General Hymns 1
  • Volume 9: General Hymns 2

Recursos de seguridad y productos


Oxford University Press, North Kettering Business Park, Hipwell Road, NN14 1UA Kettering/ Northants, GB, onlinequeries.uk@oup.com

Responsable en la UE

Stretta Music GmbH, Ochsenfurter Straße 6, 97246 Eibelstadt, DE, info@stretta-music.com

271,20  €
Plazo de envío: 3–5 semanas
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