Juan A. Pérez (* 1989)

Concerto for Clarinet

Clarinete (si bemol), orquesta de viento
Partitura, partichelas
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
52 Páginas; 21 × 29,7 cm
14 minutos
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:


“Concerto for Clarinet” is a work for solo clarinet and band. It consists of three movements, fusing classical and modern elements to create a rich and diverse experience.

I. Maestoso The first movement begins with an introduction from the band, setting an energetic and dynamic tone. The solo clarinet enters with a bold rhythmic theme, exploring the instrument's full register. The interplay between soloist and band is intense, with quick and challenging exchanges.

II. Adagio Espressivo The second movement offers, as usual for a concerto, a slow movement. It is lyrical and has emotional depth, with long expressive phrases that allow the soloist to demonstrate his tonal control. The clarinet plays a serene melody over a band accompaniment that grows in intensity and complexity, creating an emotional atmosphere, full of questions and answers from both clarinet and band.

III. Allegro ma non troppo - Allegro vivo The last movement of the work stands out for its virtuosity and joy. It contains a lively and playful main theme that is repeated and varied throughout the piece, with the clarinetist having free rein in a brilliant cadenza. The work ends with an energetic and brilliant finale.


  • I. Maestoso
  • II. Adagio Espressivo
  • III. Allegro ma non troppo - Allegro vivo

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