Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683 – 1764)

La Naissance d'Osiris

Ballet allégorique in einem Akt

Solistas, coro de voces mixtas, orquesta
Tipo de producto:
Reducción de piano (Urtext)
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
92 Páginas; 19 × 27 cm
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
BA 8863-90


Originally conceived as a prologue for the ballet “Les Beaux Jours de l'Amour”, the one-act play “La Naissance d'Osiris” was only performed twice, together with revivals of “Pigmalion” and “Les Incas de Pérou” (the second act of the opera-ballet “Les Indes galantes”) in 1754. The occasion was the birth of the Duc de Berry, later Louis XVI. There is no evidence that “La Naissance d'Osiris” was ever revived in the 18th century, probably because it was too closely linked to the occasion of the premiere. However, Rameau reused parts of the music in later works such as “Anacréon”, “Les Paladins” and “Les Boréades”.

For the content, the librettist Louis de Cahusac drew on the myth of the birth of the Egyptian god Osiris, who symbolizes the newborn prince. The approximately one-hour work for four vocal soloists, choir, orchestra and dancers is written predominantly in a pastoral style.


  • Avertissement
  • Introduction
  • Table de La Naissance d'Osiris
  • Acteurs et actrices chantants, personnages dansants, orchestre
  • La Naissance d'Osiris ou La Fête Pamilie
  • Ouverture
  • Scène I
  • Scène II
  • Scène III
  • Scène IV
  • Complément 1 (première version)
  • Scène I (extrait)
  • Complément 2 (première version)
  • Scène IV (extrait)

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Bärenreiter-Verlag Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG, Heinrich-Schütz-Allee 35-37, 34131 Kassel, DE,

20,50  €
Plazo de envío: 4–9 días laborables (España)
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