Jeanine Rueff (1922 – 1999)

Chanson et passepied op. 16

Saxofón alto, piano
Partitura de piano, partichela del solista
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
5/2 Páginas
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
AL 20919


Composed by Jeanine Rueff , Chanson Et Passepied for Saxophone is a piece for advanced players written in two parts. The first part, “Chanson” (Song) is a lyrical part written in Andantino Tempo, starting with a very simple yet beautiful melody, and organised in the format of a Question/Answer.

It is then followed by a second melody with the same organisation and by the first melody that is played by the piano. The second part, “Passepied”, which refers to a Baroque dance, is composed in Allegretto and has an A/B/A structure. A is quite melodic while B is more like a Valse. Wonderfully composed, very technical yet also lyrical, this piece is really enjoyable and can be used forrecital or contests.

Jeanine Rueff composed numerous pieces for Saxophones often used in contests, as well as many pieces for Saxhorn, Clarinet, Horn and Cornet.

15,99  €
Plazo de envío: 3–5 semanas
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