The Complete Mandolinist

A Comprehensive Method

The Complete Mandolinist, Mand (+OnlAudio) (0)
Tipo de producto:
Partitura, audio online
№ de artículo:
muy fácil
224 Páginas
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The Complete Mandolinist is the most comprehensive American mandolin method to be published in nearly a century. Written by Marilynn Mair, internationally acclaimed mandolinist, recording artist and teacher for over two decades, this book presents a logical approach to mandolin technique that builds on the pioneering efforts of America's mandolin teachers of the early 20th century.Starting with a foundation in basic technique and music reading, the book progresses, in the course of its 224 pages, through scales, arpeggios, tremolo, position work, shifting, rhythm studies, picking techniques and duo-style, with carefully selected exercises and musical examples that range fromfiddle tunes and Brazilian choro to Vivaldi concertos and Beethoven sonatinas. The method reflects the wealth of musical knowledge Marilynn has acquired over the course of her distinguished career, and she has compiled it here for you, to encourage the versatility and intelligent musicianship you will need to become a more complete mandolinist. Written in standard notation only. Includes access to online audio.


  • Welsh Lullaby
  • To a Wild Rose - MacDowell
  • Old Folks at Home - Foster
  • Oh! Susanna - Foster
  • Lyrical Duet - Branzoli
  • Celeste Aida - Verdi
  • Duet in G - Pleyel
  • Remembrances Mazurka - Pettine
  • Composite Rhythm - Branzoli
  • Double-Dotting - Pettine
  • Minuetto Pietoso - Leone
  • Frequent Accidentals & Double-Sharps
  • Tremolo & Rhythmic
  • Precision
  • Iara - de Medeiros
  • Shaping Music with Dynamics - Branzoli
  • Habanera, from Carmen - Bizet
  • Minuetto Expressiovo - Leone
  • Etude in 5/4 - Kayser
  • Allegro - Fouchetti
  • Invention No. 1 - Bach
  • Brejeiro - Nazareth
  • East of Here - Mair
  • Gaucho - Gonzaga
  • Die Zufriedenheit - Mozart
  • Komm Liebe Zither - Mozart
  • Minuet from Don Giovanni- Mozart
  • Sonatina in C minor- Beethoven
46,79  €
Plazo de envío: 2–3 semanas aprox.
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