Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)

Masterpieces for Piano

L. v. Beethoven: Meisterwerke am Klavier, Klav (0)
Tipo de producto:
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
176 Páginas; 30,3 × 23,2 cm
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
EP 20011


Beethoven: Masterpieces for Piano brings together original piano works by Ludwig van Beethoven, suitable for intermediate to advanced level players. Arranged in progressive order, the collection includes a mixture of favourites and lesser-known works.

The cover design features a painting by John Martin, Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion (1812). The Masterpieces for Piano series presents superb collections of core repertoire by the great piano composers.

These beautifully produced, carefully curated editions provide pianists with an excellent overview of each composer and should be an essential part of all players’ libraries. Suitable for intermediate to advanced level players.

Recursos de seguridad y productos


Faber Peters Music Distribution, Talstr. 10, 04103 Leipzig, DE,

26,00  €
Plazo de envío: 2–3 semanas aprox.
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