Vari Autori

24 Classic Solos (for Winds) – Tuba

Intermediate repertoire for recitals and contest

24 Classic Solos (for Winds) - Tuba, TbKlav (0)24 Classic Solos (for Winds) - Tuba, TbKlav (1)
Tuba, piano
Tipo de producto:
Partitura solo
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
16 Páginas; 23 × 30,5 cm
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
CFK 16793


The 24 intermediate solos in this collection showcase a diverse array of composers who shaped their era's musical landscape. This compilation promises a rich and inspiring musical experience for developing players, exploring the music of notable writers (including ten women composers) such as Enrique Granados, Florence Price, Rentar? Taki, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, and José White. While some key signatures and ranges have been changed to make each piece accessible, every effort has been made to preserve the spirit and integrity of the original work. In some pieces, optional cue-size notes in a different octave are included to facilitate ease of playing by the respective player and instrument.

A piano accompaniment book is available to ensure a successful performance.


  • Adoration
  • Allegro non troppo from 6 Kinderstucke, Op. 72
  • Aria from Rinaldo, HWV 7
  • Cantabile from Sonatine for Violin and Piano
  • Das Kinderspiel, K. 598
  • Der Mond (The Moon)
  • El Pensamiento
  • Etude No. 10 from 25 Etudes, Op. 50
  • Havet (The Sea) from 7 Children’s Songs, Op. 61
  • Intermezzo from Album for Children, Op. 123
  • King William's March
  • March Russe from Album for Children, Op. 123
  • Melodie from Album fur die Jugend, Op. 68
  • Menuet from Five Pieces, Op. 14
  • Menuetto
  • Morning Prayer from Children’s Album, Op. 39
  • Notturno from 12 German and Italian Romantic Songs
  • Pierrot and Pierrette from Children’s Carnival, Op. 25
  • Prelude No. 3 from 25 Preludes
  • Sailor’s Song from Lyric Pieces, Op. 68, No. 1
  • Song No. 4 from 6 Klavierstucke fur die Kinderwelt
  • Tyrolienne (Celui qui sut toucher mon coeur)
  • Viking Song
  • Villanesca from 12 Danzas espanolas, Op. 37, No. 4

Recursos de seguridad y productos


mds GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 1, 55129 Mainz, DE,

22,50  €
Plazo de envío: 2–3 semanas aprox.
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24 Classic Solos (for Winds) – Piano Accompaniment

Intermediate repertoire for recitals and contest

Para: Piano

Partituras (acompañamiento de piano)

№ de artículo: 1862594

30,50  €IVA incl., mas costes de envío
Plazo de envío: 2–3 semanas aprox.
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