Complete Works for Lute transcribed for Guitar
The works Johann Sebastian Bach devoted to the lute and to the Lautenwerk (BWV 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000 and 1006a) have for a long time now become part of the guitar repertoire and remain a cornerstone in the study programmes of conservatories and of higher academies around the world, recognizing that this music of absolute importance has a very significant weight in the training of today’s musician and guitarist.
The intention of this transcription for guitar is to provide a teaching aid which faithfully reproduces the articulations, slurs, agogics and embellishments present in the manuscripts and at the same time offers advice on how to achieve them and suggests a practical fingering for both hands.
Ut Orpheus Edizioni Piazza di Porta Ravegnana 1, 40126 Bologna, IT
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