Lisa Bastien, Lori Bastien

Bastien All in One Piano Course Level 4A

Bastien New Traditions

L. Bastien: Bastien All in One Piano Course Level 4A, Klav (0)
Libro didáctico (con partituras)
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
72 Páginas
Año de lanzamiento:
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Bastien New Traditions is a comprehensive and integrated method for beginning piano study that is easy to use and paced just right for today’s busy students. Concepts are presented in a holistic way, with lesson, theory, and technic pages mixed with attractive performance pieces all in the same volume. A gradual multi-key approach is used allowing students to experience complete keyboard knowledge. There is a clear step-by-step presentation of concepts and skills with straightforward, simple reinforcement and review throughout the series. The learning sequence is carefully graded to ensure steady progress, and students will love the selection of music as well as the beautiful watercolor illustrations.

Level 4A More Major Keys/Chords & Multi-Key Reading Focus • Bb, B, Gb Major & C and G minor scales, cadences & key signatures • Cut time • Motif/Sequence(s) • Minor, augmented and diminished intervals • Dotted 16th note rhythm.

12,36  €
Plazo de envío: 2–3 semanas (España)
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