
Short versions of festive Romantic organ pieces

Tipo de producto:
Partitura (antología)
№ de artículo:
64 Páginas
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
BUTZ 3088


Attention! This volume does not contain simplifying "made playable" versions of the Top Ten (or Top Twelve) hits of romantic toccatas and finale literature. Instead, it features thoughtfully shortened arrangements that respond to the fact that many of these works, especially when performed at special occasions or as postludes to services, are too lengthy, often resulting in nearly empty church pews by the second half of the pieces.

Since the sheet music provided here, except for the newly created transitions between sections, corresponds to the original versions, organists who already have these pieces in their repertoire will not face additional practice effort. For those pieces they are not familiar with, they may, at best, be encouraged to explore the complete original afterward.

This edition is designed for the immediate practical use of all organists who wish to shine with "festive" pieces or are requested to perform them. Moreover, it allows organists to have the highlights of the romantic repertoire always at hand – condensed and united in a single volume.


  • Albert Renaud: Toccata op 108/1
  • Alexandre Guilmant: Final (aus Première Sonate op 42)
  • Charles-Marie Widor: Toccata (aus Symphonie No V op 42/1)
  • Eugène Gigout: Toccata
  • Gordon Balch Nevin: Toccata in D minor
  • Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens: Fanfare
  • Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens: Marche Pontificale (aus Sonate pour Orgue No I)
  • Louis James Alfred Lefébure-Wely: Sortie
  • Louis Vierne: Finale (aus Première Symphonie op 14)
  • Léon Boëllmann: Toccata (aus Suite Gothique op 25)
  • Percy E Fletcher: Festival Toccata
  • Théodore Dubois: Toccata

Recursos de seguridad y productos


Hans-Peter Bähr Musikverlag Dr. J. Butz, Siegburger Str. 73, 53229 Bonn, DE,

16,00  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 3–8 días laborables (España)
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