Joe Hisaishi (* 1950)

Studio Ghibli 77 Selections

The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Piano Solo Collection

J. Hisaishi: Studio Ghibli 77 Selections, Klav (0)J. Hisaishi: Studio Ghibli 77 Selections, Klav (1)J. Hisaishi: Studio Ghibli 77 Selections, Klav (2)J. Hisaishi: Studio Ghibli 77 Selections, Klav (3)J. Hisaishi: Studio Ghibli 77 Selections, Klav (4)J. Hisaishi: Studio Ghibli 77 Selections, Klav (5)J. Hisaishi: Studio Ghibli 77 Selections, Klav (6)J. Hisaishi: Studio Ghibli 77 Selections, Klav (7)
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
288 Páginas
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:


Here is the ultimate, official, complete edition of Studio Ghibli Piano Solo Collection, featuring 77 of Studio Ghibli's essential musical masterpieces, fully supported in three languages: Japanese, English and Simplified Chinese! From 20 of Studio Ghibli's most beloved films, including "My Neighbor Totoro," "Princess Mononoke," "Spirited Away," and more, comes a piano solo collection featuring 77 iconic songs. In addition to timeless favorites, songs from popular soundtracks such as "Kiki's Delivery Service" and "Porco Rosso" are included. Featuring Studio Ghibli's musical masterpieces in solo piano arrangements, this collection includes the film's theme songs as well as fan-favorite instrumental music.

The difficulty levels range from easy to intermediate, making them accessible to a wide range of players, and the simpler arrangements can be fully enjoyed by players who can feel the essence and atmosphere. The book cover features official Studio Ghibli artwork. The book is supported in Japanese, English and Chinese. This single volume offers a comprehensive, special collector's edition for enjoying the music of Studio Ghibli. "Studio Ghibli 77 Selections" is sure to take you on a musical journey through 20 Studio Ghibli films!

47,50  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 3–8 días laborables (España)
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