Adam Kadmon

The Guitar Grimoire

Progressions & Improvisation

A. Kadmon: The Guitar Grimoire, Git (0)A. Kadmon: The Guitar Grimoire, Git (1)A. Kadmon: The Guitar Grimoire, Git (2)A. Kadmon: The Guitar Grimoire, Git (3)A. Kadmon: The Guitar Grimoire, Git (4)
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
282 Páginas
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
CFK 10824


Progressions and Improvisations accompanies the third DVD in Adam Kadmon's Guitar Grimoire Series (DVD4). This volume covers the use of chords in progressions and improvisation. Filled with hundreds of exercises and diagrams in Adam Kadmon's unique and path-breaking style offeresentation, this book completely examines the craft and universe offerogressions. Improvisation and compositional technique are explained and interwoven to create a virtual encyclopedia of melodic and chordal possibilities, styles, dimensions and potentials. With this book, the user will be able to put the chords, modes and scales of The Guitar Grimoire to use in creating original music in almost anystyle.


  • "The Building Blocks
  • Scales and Modes
  • Chords
  • ""Polychords
  • Slashchords
  • and Substitutions""
  • Substitutions
  • Progressions
  • Circle of Fifths
  • Circle Progressions
  • Scale Tone Degree Progressions
  • Instant Song Creator
  • The A B B A Method
  • Chords Used in 4 Measure Progressions
  • 4 Measure Progressions
  • Soloing and Combatibility
  • 12 Bar Progressions
  • Window Soloing Text
  • Window Soloing
  • Soloing Over Diatonics and Circle Progressions
  • Diatonics and Circle Progressions
  • Improvising Over Scale Tone Degree Progressions
  • Understanding the Notes
  • Notated Fretboard Chart
  • Key Signatures
  • Circle of Fifths in all 15 Keys
  • Diatonics Notated
  • Exercise Progressions
  • The Exercise Progressions
  • Scale Tone Degrees in 15 Keys
  • Numeric Analysis of Chords
  • Numeric Analysis of Scales
  • Chord
  • Scale Compatibility Chart"
44,50  €
Plazo de envío: 4–9 días laborables (España)
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