Lang Lang (* 1982)

The Lang Lang Piano Method

Lang Lang Piano Academy

Libro educativo (con partituras), audio online
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
32 Páginas
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:


The Lang Lang Piano Method Preparatory Level introduces the basics of music and the piano through fun games and activities for young students. Players are encouraged to explore the keyboard whilst simple rhythms, finger numbers and selected note names are gradually learned. The ideal introduction to the Lang Lang Piano Method, this book precedes Level 1. It is a unique and imaginative way for complete beginners to start the piano with the world’s most successful concert pianist, Lang Lang. This book is the perfect introduction to the piano for young children.

Join the world of Lang Lang and come on a piano adventure! The Lang Lang Piano Method series comprises six progressive books with online audio. There’s plenty to play all around the keyboard right from the start; fun, imaginative pieces develop hands equally and the accompanying audio from Level 1 onwards includes exclusive performances by Lang Lang.

8,99  €
Sólo quedan 3 en stock. Plazo de entrega: 3-8 días laborables (España). Más ejemplares listos para su envío en 1-4 semanas.
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