Sheila Nelson (* 1936)

Right from the Start

20 sehr leichte Stücke für junge Spieler

S. Nelson: Right from the Start, 2Vl (Sppa) (0)S. Nelson: Right from the Start, 2Vl (Sppa) (1)S. Nelson: Right from the Start, 2Vl (Sppa) (2)S. Nelson: Right from the Start, 2Vl (Sppa) (3)
2 violines
Partitura general de conjunto
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
12 Páginas; 23 × 30,5 cm
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
BH 1000225


Die Stücke in diesem Buch sollen jungen Anfängern helfen, die Probleme des Notenlesens schrittweise zu bewältigen, sowie ihnen Zeit zu geben, die Dinge “von Anfang an” (“Right from the Start”) klar zu bekommen.

Twenty very elementary pieces for young players written and arranged by the world's favourite string teacher Sheila Nelson. Note reading is introduced one finger at a time, building up finger pattern 0-1-23-4 (semitone space between 2nd and 3rd fingers) - the only finger pattern used in this book. A number of rhythmic bowing patterns, set out at the beginning of the book may be practised on any of the earlier tunes once they have been memorised. The rhythms are assimilated by the pupil with the aid of strongly rhythmic, easily memorable words.

All the tunes can be sung to the verses provided, in order to develop a secure sense of rhythm and pitch. Pupils learn right from the start to move freely from string to string, to play with confidence and to pay close attention to pitch.


  • Ann, Dan & Egbert
  • Cowboy
  • Don't bother me
  • Fiddler's Fancy
  • G-String George
  • George got out of bed too late
  • Holiday
  • I've got a fivepence
  • Jonathan Rat
  • Late for School
  • Lazy Song
  • Lullaby
  • Over the water
  • Rainy Day
  • Ringing Bell
  • Sail in a Pail
  • Swing-Boats
  • The Centipede
  • The Worm
  • Three in a Bar
12,50  €
Plazo de envío: 4–9 días laborables (España)
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