Artículo para descarga
Alfredo Piatti (1822 – 1901)

Capriccio Op. 25 n° 7 in C major

with piano accompaniment by the composer

DL: A. Piatti: Capriccio Op. 25 n° 7 in, VcKlav (Part(C)+St) (0)DL: A. Piatti: Capriccio Op. 25 n° 7 in, VcKlav (Part(C)+St) (1)DL: A. Piatti: Capriccio Op. 25 n° 7 in, VcKlav (Part(C)+St) (2)DL: A. Piatti: Capriccio Op. 25 n° 7 in, VcKlav (Part(C)+St) (3)
Violonchelo, piano
Partitura orquestal (do), partichelas Artículo para descarga
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
22 Páginas; 23 × 30,5 cm
3:00 minutos
Año de creación:
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
ASE 0003


This is a world premiere publication of Piatti’s Seventh Caprice for Cello Solo in his own arrangement for Cello and Piano. Based on the only surviving manuscript by the composer’s hand, it represents a wonderful chance to perform this amazing piece in a chamber concert setting. This is the first of many publications dedicated to Piatti and to the cellist-composers who gave immensely to their instrument beside their already stunning performances.

Promotional video:

15,00  €
IVA incl.
Producto descargable – disponible al instante.
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