Giorgio Signorile (* 1962)

Classico.. Ma non troppo

40 pezzi facili per chitarra

G. Signorile: Classico.. Ma non troppo, Git (0)G. Signorile: Classico.. Ma non troppo, Git (1)G. Signorile: Classico.. Ma non troppo, Git (2)G. Signorile: Classico.. Ma non troppo, Git (3)
Tipo de producto:
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
56 Páginas; 23 × 31 cm
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:


In the preface to the first edition of Classico... but not too much I wrote "all the compositions have been studied in class and the work with the students has suggested to me the best technical solutions for fingering and interpretation...". This has always been the idea at the basis of all my teaching work: to give meaning to the music I write, that is, to aim at musical growth in which technique and expressiveness travel on the same track, and at the same time to be certain that the pieces will be performed with curiosity and satisfaction.

This second edition is an expansion of the first. I have added compositions that start from the basic level and go up to about the third or fourth year of study, bringing with them a dozen more years of experience gained between secondary school and high school. They contain new elements such as the search for more musical fingerings, a greater depth of the compositional idea, the desire to deepen the expressive aspect. Some pieces have a more minimalist and less melodic feel. There is no lack of glimpses of so-called 'light' music, pieces in the style of pop, jazz, rock, swing, some arrangements of Christmas songs, all reinterpreted through my way of being a musician and, above all, a teacher. Some of the compositions are written in a 'guitaristic' notation, where it is taken for granted that the chordal positions are held, such as, for example, the first two È mattina (Morning) and Colazione danza (Breakfast Dance), as well as Tramonto (Sunset), Country Blues and Rain Blues. The other pieces have been written or rewritten bearing in mind the movement of the parts, the polyphony - albeit very simple - and the understanding, even visual, of the musical sense.

I hope that this volume will accompany young guitarists on a musical journey made up of technical learning but above all of personal and joyful expressive maturation. Giorgio Signorile, Cuneo, July 2018

18,00  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 3–8 días laborables (España)
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