Songs from Barbie, The Little Mermaid The Super Mario Bros Movie

And More Top Movies

Songs from Barbie, The Little Mermaid Th, GesKlavGit (SBPVG) (0)Songs from Barbie, The Little Mermaid Th, GesKlavGit (SBPVG) (1)Songs from Barbie, The Little Mermaid Th, GesKlavGit (SBPVG) (2)Songs from Barbie, The Little Mermaid Th, GesKlavGit (SBPVG) (3)Songs from Barbie, The Little Mermaid Th, GesKlavGit (SBPVG) (4)
Voz, piano [guitarra]
Tipo de producto:
Cancionero PVG (piano/voz/guitarra)
№ de artículo:
112 Páginas
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
HL 1314306


Got songs stuck in your head after seeing some recent hit movies? Let this songbook help you play them on your piano or guitar!


  • Hold my hand
  • Peaches
  • For the first time
  • Lift me up
  • Both sides now
  • Top of the world
  • No time to die
  • Waiting on a miracle
  • We don't talk about Bruno
  • I ain't worried
  • Still holding my hand
  • Wild uncharted waters
  • Dance the night
  • Steal the show
  • Barbie dreams
  • What was I made for
  • I'm just Ken

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Hal Leonard Europe B.V., Postbus 744, 8440 AS Heerenveen, NL,

26,99  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 3–8 días laborables (España)
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