Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 – 1767)

Nouveaux Quatuors en Six Suites I

"Paris Quartet"
Bärenreiter Urtext

G.P. Telemann: Nouveaux Quatuors en Six S, FlVlVdGBc (Pa+St) (0)G.P. Telemann: Nouveaux Quatuors en Six S, FlVlVdGBc (Pa+St) (1)G.P. Telemann: Nouveaux Quatuors en Six S, FlVlVdGBc (Pa+St) (2)G.P. Telemann: Nouveaux Quatuors en Six S, FlVlVdGBc (Pa+St) (3)G.P. Telemann: Nouveaux Quatuors en Six S, FlVlVdGBc (Pa+St) (4)G.P. Telemann: Nouveaux Quatuors en Six S, FlVlVdGBc (Pa+St) (5)
Flauta, violín, viola da gamba [violonchelo], bajo contínuo
Partitura orquestal, partichelas (Urtext)
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
233 Páginas; 24,3 × 31 cm
Año de creación:
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
BA 5881


Telemann’s chamber music is historically unique in its range of instrumental settings. From his huge output these new editions present the six quartets for flute, violin, viola da gamba or violoncello and basso continuo that he wrote in Paris in the 1730s.

Published with the title Nouveaux Quatuors en Six Suites by Le Clerc in Paris in 1738, these six pieces are suites with various sequences of movements, each introduced by a prelude.

Here Telemann shows himself committed to the French style. The works are of special interest not only for their high quality but also because of the variable scoring of the third part for viola da gamba or violoncello.

Our edition consists of a full score with preface (German/English) and separate instrumental parts including a keyboard with figured bass.


  • Vorwort
  • Preface
  • 1er Quatuor TWV 43: D 3
  • 2e Quatuor TWV 43: a 2
  • 3e Quatuor TWV 43: G 4
59,00  €
Plazo de envío: 4–9 días laborables (España)
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G.P. Telemann: Nouveaux Quatuors en Six S, FlVlVdGBc (Pa+St)
Georg Philipp Telemann

Nouveaux Quatuors en Six Suites II

"Paris Quartet"
Bärenreiter Urtext

Para: Flauta, violín, viola da gamba [violonchelo], bajo contínuo

Partitura orquestal, partichelas (Urtext)

№ de artículo: 161050

59,00  €IVA incl., mas costes de envío
Plazo de envío: 4–9 días laborables (es)
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