- Vorwort
- Sonata I, RV 47
- Sonata II, RV 41
- Sonata III, RV 43
- Sonata IV, RV 45
- Sonata V, RV 40
- Sonata VI, RV 46
- Sonata VII, RV 44
- Sonata VIII, RV 39
- Sonata IX, RV 42
- Kritischer Bericht
Bärenreiter Urtext
This scholarly-critical edition is based on all the known sources, whether printed or handwritten, that have come down to us for these frequently played pieces. By closely scrutinizing the source material, the editor has arrived at interesting findings that considerably differ from earlier editions of these works. Rather than taking as her principal source Le Clerc’s 1740 print of Sonatas I to VI – an edition probably made without the composer’s consent – the editor has examined the Naples and Wiesentheid manuscripts prepared under Vivaldi’s direct supervision.
The editor has also managed to identify a previously unknown source for Sonata RV 44. All departures from the sources in the printed text and all editorial additions are listed in the critical report. Cellists are thus given ready access to every alternative reading, including deleted bars and the many inevitable variants in articulation. A detailed preface provides essential information on sources and their assessment , with a section on performance practice offering valuable suggestions on interpretation.
Dokumente seines Lebens und Schaffens
Taschenbücher zur Musikwissenschaft 50
Libro (tapa blanda)
№ de artículo: 124936
№ de artículo: 564353
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