Kerstin Wartberg

Enjoying Violin Technique 1

Basic Exercises with Piano Arreangements – Intermediate Level
ISTEX Music Publications

K. Wartberg: So macht Violintechnik Spaß, VlKlav (+OnlAudio) (0)K. Wartberg: So macht Violintechnik Spaß, VlKlav (+OnlAudio) (1)K. Wartberg: So macht Violintechnik Spaß, VlKlav (+OnlAudio) (2)K. Wartberg: So macht Violintechnik Spaß, VlKlav (+OnlAudio) (3)K. Wartberg: So macht Violintechnik Spaß, VlKlav (+OnlAudio) (4)

Track 2

Track 3

Track 16

Violín, piano
Tipo de producto:
Partitura, audio online
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
alemán, inglés
70 Páginas; 23 × 30 cm
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:


The first volume of Kerstin Wartberg's violin technique series with CD and digital download is aimed at young violin students at intermediate level. Almost 100 exercises, 75 of them with piano accompaniment, are divided into 10 chapters.

Each chapter has numerous informative photos and practical tips from great violin teachers.

Quotes from Dorothy DeLay, Simon Fischer, Carl Flesch, Ivan Galamian, Jascha Heifetz, Itzhak Perlman, Otakar Ševčík and Shinichi Suzuki aim to provide students with valuable insights and give them the opportunity to "learn from the great masters" at this early stage.

An essential key to success lies in David Andruss' lively piano accompaniment. This has a highly motivating effect on many pupils and also promotes concentration when practising. This automatically improves the quality of practising, resulting in noticeable progress in areas such as intonation, rhythm, sound quality and ease of playing. This material is not only very useful for individual lessons, but can also be used in group lessons.

The violin teacher and Suzuki specialist Kerstin Wartberg, who has also made a name for herself as the German translator of the relevant standard literature by Simon Fischer, is the author of several teaching works for violin and has developed a new instrumental teaching concept with this series, which should be of great benefit to every intermediate level violin student.


  • Scales & triads over one and two octaves (1st-6th position)
  • Exercises for changing positions (according to Ševčík)
  • Scales & triads on one string (according to Flesch)
  • Scales & triads over three octaves
  • Playing in high registers
  • Intonation exercises
  • Contact points
  • Vibrato
  • Elementary trill exercises
  • Double stops
19,80  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 3–8 días laborables (España)
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