Artículo para descarga

Women Composers

A Graded Anthology for Piano
Women Composers
Band 3

Tipo de producto:
Partituras Artículo para descarga
№ de artículo:
67 Páginas
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
ED 23475 Q558941


This three-volume series of piano music by women composers is a progressive compendium of educational literature with a broad repertoire from the 17th century to the present day. For each piece, the editor has written short instructions with rehearsal tips as well as biographical notes on the women composers. The collection covers all levels of difficulty from easy (volume 1) to medium (volume 2) to difficult (volume 3) and is an indispensable addition to lessons and concerts. WOMEN COMPOSERS: A GRADED ANTHOLOGY FOR PIANO - Press Reviews “…Melanie Spanswick must be congratulated on her extensive research in uncovering exiting music to enthral pianists and teachers.” Piano Professional “An extremely useful and stimulating collection.” International Piano “…these are well-presented books that succeed in offering some belated recognition to neglected composers and their music.” Pianist Magazine "Melanie Spanswick’s Women Composers: A Graded Anthology is utterly superb, and will surely be of significant interest to pianists everywhere.” “Melanie Spanswick's anthology is not only representative, but also inspiring.” Piano Bulletin "This series is an incredible and much-needed collection of over fifty works by over fifty female composers. ...Melanie Spanswick has done an exceptional job of collating these works into graded anthologies." The Piano Teacher

Schott Music


  • Musical Terms
  • Preface
  • Marianna von Martinez (1744–1812): Allegro
  • Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847–1935): Atraente
  • Amy Beach (1867–1944): Sous les étoiles
  • Lili Boulanger (1893–1918): Prélude in Db major
  • Tatjana Komarova (*1968): Little Dance
  • Mai Fukasawa (*1977): Between Dawn, Noon and Midnight
  • Fanny Hensel (1805–1847): September
  • Clara Schumann (1819–1896): Prelude and Fugue
  • Teresa Carreño (1853–1917): Plainte
  • Lady Viola Kinney (1890–1945): Mother’s Sacrifice
  • Vítězslava Kaprálová (1915–1940): April
  • Chaya Czernowin (*1957): fardance
10,99  €
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