Eugène Ysaÿe (1858 – 1931)

Sonate für Violoncello solo op. 28

op. 28

E. Ysaÿe: Sonate für Violoncello solo op. 28 , Vc (0)E. Ysaÿe: Sonate für Violoncello solo op. 28 , Vc (1)E. Ysaÿe: Sonate für Violoncello solo op. 28 , Vc (2)E. Ysaÿe: Sonate für Violoncello solo op. 28 , Vc (3)
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
HN 780


Ysaÿe’s Cello Sonata, unlike its companion piece for violin solo, has remained relatively unknown. All the same, it merits special attention as it was written at the same time as the Violin Sonatas and has the same superior qualities of musicianship. Our edition draws on a previously disregarded autograph manuscript from a private collection that provides interesting insights not found in the original print. To accompany the publication of Ysaÿe’s violin sonatas, which Henle will also issue in 2004, we are now offering the Cello Sonata in an urtext edition prepared by Christian Bellisario with detailed editorial comments. A brilliant addition to the repertoire for unaccompanied string instruments.?

14,00  €
Plazo de envío: 4–9 días laborables (España)
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